Saturday, October 17, 2009

Missed Deadline

It seems like once a year I get busy and miss a deadline. Usually it's later in the season, but this year I've blown my first deadline. I missed October's cutoff for the Nebraska Bowler.

It happens.

Since the last column, we've held our Coaches Summit, which was well-attended and we were able to get close to 40 coaches the technical training they need. Bob Rea was on hand to deliver some of the more critical corrective techniques that coaches can use with their bowlers. Bob's one of the best at delivering this information. Thanks for being with us in Kearney!

In the afternoon session, John brought the coaches up to date on the progress to date with getting a proposal submitted in as many of the six NSAA legislative districts as possible. We've got two districts committed to submitting the proposal, so we'll see how the votes go in November.

I talked a little bit about the ASEP training, and was pleased to hear that many have either finished the course, or are getting started with the material. There will be a more official announcement on this, but I will be able to deliver the Coaching Principles course for ASEP beginning in November.

For coaches who want to take the course in a day, in a classroom setting, this is another option for you. As soon as I have more information on pricing and location of the class, I'll post it here and I expect that John will send out an e-mail blast to all coaches.

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